Blessings for Braden

Welcome to our blog! Braden is a 2 year old little boy who has been diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Nueroblastoma is a childhood cancer that is most often found in children under the age of 10. Our hope is that God will heal Braden completely and that his story will help others draw closer to Jesus.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

GREAT news!

I got a call from the surgeon yesterday about the results on the pathology on Braden's tumor. The main mass in Braden's abdomen came back as ganglia neuroma which is a benign tumor!! PRAISE GOD! He took ten lymph nodes out of Braden's neck, and 7 out of the 10 came back as ganglia neuroblastoma which means that some parts still have neuroblastoma which is malignant. The other 3 lymphnodes are normal! In the pelvis it also shows ganglia neuroblastoma which again has malignant components. He said that the tumor board would meet next week and get back to us. He said that the hope would still be to watch it and hope that the other places will turn to ganglia neuroma as well. This is what our prayer will be. That God will continue to heal Braden until this thing is gone! Thank you for your continued prayers.

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